Production of cardboard boxes from corrugated waves of different thickness as desired, on-demand with or without printing. Packaging that is environmentally acceptable today has become an essential part of the development of the products. In accordance with the strategy of sustainable development, environmentally friendly packaging in long-term can reduce the costs of the production. Also, it gives an added value to the product in the market, and gives a positive feeling to the customer when shopping.
Transport packaging
Transport packaging is made from all kinds of cardboard. In our product range we are using three-layer and five-layer corrugated cardboard as well as grey cardboard. We are doing so called american and half american boxes, stamped boxes and all kind of packages (most of it for the wood and furniture industry).
Commercial packaging
Commercial packaging – Packaging is the basis of development of every each product. Probably, everyone heard of the saying „Packaging sells the product.” The design of the packaging is what creates the product, define its purpose or use and differentiate it in relation to the competition. Commercial packaging is made from corrugated cardboard and chrome cardboard, with the aim of satisfying the customer.
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